AI Logo Generators or Professional Logo Designers? Which is More Suitable?

Indigo logo design - Professional logo design company

You can either provide yourself the custom logo design services or hire a professional.


Deciding which suits you best is the main problem here.

How do you make that decision?

Simple, you think about the factors that would contribute to you making the final decision.


Let’s understand what an AI logo generator is. AI standing for artificial intelligence says a lot for the generator itself. The logo you create would be generated through pre-programmed functions. Everything would be just as unique as the paint in your office walls, from choosing the template to the final look. This means the logo you create using these would not be unique, which you want a logo to be.


Let’s understand what a professional logo design company would be providing us with. Professional designers would be working on their designs through a unique thinking process. They wouldn’t be taking the first template they see into use. Instead, they would put in the time and effort to create something original. This means the logo you get designed through a professional would be unique, and there would be no chances that a competitor would use a similar design.

Coming to our original question,

Which one of the two is more suitable?

Well, the answer is simple; it depends on your business.

An average neighborhood salon doesn’t need something fancy. It just needs something the neighborhood ladies would notice and not forget their way over to them. They can use online logo design services to generate a common logo to go with their business. Spending too much on professionals would be a waste of their resources.

If your business falls in the same category, you can also opt for an AI logo generator for a simple design.

At the same time,

When you have a leading salon located at a better location, they need to create a unique image for themselves.  They require more professionals who can work on original designs that are well thought out and original. They have to work with custom logo design services providers who professionally cater to businesses and create logos. They need to put in the time and resources for a logo worthy of becoming the face of their brand.

If your business falls in the same category, a professional designer is what you need.

Which of the two logo designing services is more suitable for your business? Let us know in the comments below.



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