Using Human Perception to Shape Logo Designs: Learning The Basics
Throughout history , logo designs have changed into phenomenal shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns. Nowadays, the attention span of consumers has dwindled. It means that logos need to grab the customers by the eyeballs at a fraction of mere seconds to create a recall. Now, what factors do you think make a logo genuinely distinct? It’s our perception of it. The human mind perceives different shapes, colors, patterns, etc. uniquely. It motivates many brands to capitalize on this fact and create captivating and unique logo designs that hit the sweet spot in your mind. This article will cover a few basics of what and how you can design a logo that your target audience will regard as the best, so let’s get on with it, 1. Respect the power of colors (Color Theory): Colors are vivid, natural, exciting, or, instead, whatever we want them to be. But did you know that each color holds its distinct effect? People associate themselves with different colors, a...